Ms. Emily Rice, a fourth grade teacher at Blackland Prairie Elementary, became a Level 1 Google Certified Educator this past fall. She was one of twelve teachers at our campus who sought out and received this certification. Ms. Rice incorporates many of the Google Apps into her daily lessons, encouraging her students to collaborate and create using technology. In this lesson, she was talking about the power of animation in Google Slides to draw attention to the most important information. Her students discussed what might be the most important, as well as how animation should enhance the message the students were trying to convey. They discussed the speed of animation, how many items should be animated on each slide, and what types of animation were the most effective for certain items. By discussing design principal with the students, she is teaching them real life skills that will carry on for a life time. I loved her explanation that “Animation isn’t the most important part-your information is. But, animation makes me more interested and happy, and happy and interested teachers give better grades.” There isn’t a better summary of how and why presentations should be fascinating. We are so proud of you, Ms. Rice!