March was an amazing, technology-rich month at Blackland Prarie, even if it was a super short month!
- Our annual STEM-Fest was on March 8th. Students showed off their passion for all types of STEM projects. Several students continued their love of Scratch programming and created games for others to play during the festival.
- Katie Eskridge’s third-grade students displayed their solar system projects they created in the Maker Space. Some students created models, some created holograms, one group created a green screen video, and one student made a video game going through the solar system.
- Courtney Williamson’s fourth graders expressed their knowledge of drama conventions by creating Google Slides presentations and recording themselves acting out or discussing various conventions, such as dialog, setting, scenes, acts, stage directions, and more.
- Mrs. Pelzel’s kindergarteners created projects in Scratch Jr. showcasing the needs of animals after doing research on Pebble Go and in books.
- One of our third-grade students expressed an interest in 3d printing and has spent many recesses creating and printing 3d objects. His next goal is to teach his friends how to use the 3d printer.
- Third grade is in the middle of our afternoon coding club. Stay tuned for more information!
- Mrs. Arelis’ kindergarten classroom learned how to log into Google docs and write sentences using different fonts, colors, sizes, and other text features.