October was a busy month for technology at Blackland Prairie. Just a few are highlighted here:
- Kindergarteners explored Google Docs. They learned how to change the size, color, and font as they wrote their names. After learning to type their names, they dove deeper into their writing and created sentences in Docs talking about all they things they liked. The kindergarteners told us it was very difficult finding the letters on the keyboard but they liked going on a letter hunt. Mrs. Rollans and the teachers loved seeing all the creative spelling in their sentences.
- First grade learned to use the Explore feature in Google Slides to create a weather dictionary. They studied patterns in the sky using a planetarium software called Stellarium.
- After attending an afterschool technology training, Mrs. Tenbush had her third-graders use Ipads from the library to create Chatterpix stories about the life cycle of frogs. Three of Ms. Eskridge’s students chose to use a green-screen app called DoInk on the Ipad to teach others about Komodo Dragons.
- Ms. Rice’s fourth-graders used the Ipads to find intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines around the school then edited the pictures to label the different types of lines.
- Ms. Kessler’s fifth-graders used MakeyMakeys to determine whether certain items conducted electricity or not. Mrs. Rollans and Ms. Kessler were excited to see the students engaged in the science experiment.
- Mrs. Rollans’ fifth-grade Coding Club had their parent expo. Club members were excited to show their parents all the fabulous programs they had created in their six-week coding club.
We love seeing authentic technology integration happening every day on the Prairie.