February is a short, cold month but some great technology integration at Blackland Prairie kept us warm and invigorated! This month, our fifth grade coding club finished up their six course and presented their programs to their parents after school. Teachers came to a short 30 minute after school training on integrating Google Sheets into their curriculum. Second grade has already started using Sheets to track their reading minutes and see how they are growing. Our Tech Leaders created a kindness video for Kindness Week and interviewed certain students about how they can show kindness. They also created music videos for Valentines’ Day featuring second grade classes. A third grader expressed interest in learning more about 3D printing and spent part of his recess every day learning more about it and how to use the campus 3D printer. Two kindergarten classes teamed up to learn about each other while cooperating on a Google Slides file. One class has used Google Slides before and taught their buddy from the other class how to use the program. Our Wildcats went wild with technology this month!